and heres how the story started
TUESDAY APRIL 08 2003 1:29 AM
ok i know i'm way overdue on an update. to say my life has been crazy lately would be a huge understatement.
well lets see heres a quick run down
girlfriends period all weird maybe shes pregnate?
shuuu shes not pregnate...
break out in three days in full body rash???
doctor scratches head and i start taking steriods.
working on freelance job need $$$ ...
call from old friend thinks i might be the father of her 10mth child, so thats like two kids i stress about in one week...and this from someone whose really really careful.
girlfriend and i sort of break up. not related to new mystery child however. my girl's being very supportive and i love her for that even if our relationship changes some what.
nice artwork man.
Now, win the lottery or something!