Traveling across Canada.
Rather, it has been a stressful undertaking. There's a lot of shit that goes into moving, if you're not aware. Especially as far as I'm going.
Started in Prince George, British Columbia. Shall end in Ottawa, Ontario.
Few days into the trip now. Few days to go.
Don't think I'll be over here exceptionally long. Two or so years, perhaps.
Go to school, learn some new things, downsize, undergo personal metamorphosis, if you will.
When I am ready, I shall return.
Not some painted rice paper butterfly, but a moth with wings ablaze. A burning star, against a sky of black, fizzling into dust 'fore too long.
Nothing happens for any reason, friends. You've got one life, and a short time to live it. So go out and do things, and fuck up, a lot.
Cheers, you mutants.
Rather, it has been a stressful undertaking. There's a lot of shit that goes into moving, if you're not aware. Especially as far as I'm going.
Started in Prince George, British Columbia. Shall end in Ottawa, Ontario.
Few days into the trip now. Few days to go.
Don't think I'll be over here exceptionally long. Two or so years, perhaps.
Go to school, learn some new things, downsize, undergo personal metamorphosis, if you will.
When I am ready, I shall return.
Not some painted rice paper butterfly, but a moth with wings ablaze. A burning star, against a sky of black, fizzling into dust 'fore too long.
Nothing happens for any reason, friends. You've got one life, and a short time to live it. So go out and do things, and fuck up, a lot.
Cheers, you mutants.