So this week didnt go as planned.
My girlfriend, Megan, and I were planning on a nice weekend on her home island of Denman off the coast of BC. Meet the family. Head to MusicFest in Courtenay. Chill out.
She got some bad news.
Her father, whose diet for years has consisted chiefly of meat and beer, has developed colon cancer. Apparently hes had it for a some time, too, because it has spread into his liver and lungs. The worst part is, hes known about it for a while as well. Hes had a heavy hack for the better part of six years despite being a non-smoker, and one would think that if cancer has spread through such a significant portion of you body that maybe youd figure something was wrong.
She went by herself to be with the family. I wanted to be there for her in case she needed an out but I understand why meeting the family wouldnt have been ideal under the circumstances.
I guess I just needed to say it, but t has gotten me thinking about staying in contact with my parents and quite frankly, just taking better care of myself. Drinking water. Sleeping better. Seeing doctors. That kind of thing.
You should too. You kinda only get one body. Go see someone who knows how to keep it running well once and a while.
Cuz I want to keep hearing from all of you.
-- ----- -- ----- --
I leave you with a random movie scene... see if you can spot this one:
Man on telephone: When the speeding melon of success hits the wall, it's Christmas for the crows.
[he hangs up]
The man on the other end looks dazed, He puts down the phone.
Woman: What did he say?
Man: I haven't a clue. But I know that he's right.
My girlfriend, Megan, and I were planning on a nice weekend on her home island of Denman off the coast of BC. Meet the family. Head to MusicFest in Courtenay. Chill out.
She got some bad news.
Her father, whose diet for years has consisted chiefly of meat and beer, has developed colon cancer. Apparently hes had it for a some time, too, because it has spread into his liver and lungs. The worst part is, hes known about it for a while as well. Hes had a heavy hack for the better part of six years despite being a non-smoker, and one would think that if cancer has spread through such a significant portion of you body that maybe youd figure something was wrong.
She went by herself to be with the family. I wanted to be there for her in case she needed an out but I understand why meeting the family wouldnt have been ideal under the circumstances.
I guess I just needed to say it, but t has gotten me thinking about staying in contact with my parents and quite frankly, just taking better care of myself. Drinking water. Sleeping better. Seeing doctors. That kind of thing.
You should too. You kinda only get one body. Go see someone who knows how to keep it running well once and a while.
Cuz I want to keep hearing from all of you.

-- ----- -- ----- --
I leave you with a random movie scene... see if you can spot this one:
Man on telephone: When the speeding melon of success hits the wall, it's Christmas for the crows.
[he hangs up]
The man on the other end looks dazed, He puts down the phone.
Woman: What did he say?
Man: I haven't a clue. But I know that he's right.
oh hon i am so sorry to hear about your girls daddy
. i understand what you are saying about taking better care of yourself and just kind of rethinking the way you do things. when jimmys grandfather died we did the exact same thing.

LBM, if you want ultimate quality, spend $5000 on a canon 1ds MKII, but unless you are shooting pro standard time critical subjects, then spen $400 on a good medium format. You shoot some nice frames at the moment, so why not augment that with a 6x6 camera? You can buy a nice 70's 'blad for $400, or nice 00's 'Blad with a digital back for $20,000. You do the math and tell me if you need to go pro didge yet?