Chaos reigns supreme.
Stargate Season 9 and Atlantis Season 2 are bearing down on me like a freight train, The coffee shop wants me around a little more and they also want me to design a bunch of shit for them...
I have no problem with this except it requires me to heap more on my already -overflowing plate.
Never a break. My eyes feel like they've been scooped out by spoons... Dull spoons.
On the other hand, my long sleeve SG shirt arrived...
Lookin shit hot, but you'll all have to wait to see it...
Stargate Season 9 and Atlantis Season 2 are bearing down on me like a freight train, The coffee shop wants me around a little more and they also want me to design a bunch of shit for them...
I have no problem with this except it requires me to heap more on my already -overflowing plate.
Never a break. My eyes feel like they've been scooped out by spoons... Dull spoons.
On the other hand, my long sleeve SG shirt arrived...
Lookin shit hot, but you'll all have to wait to see it...
My contacts are dried to my cornea if that makes you feel any better about the dull spoon thing.
Aw.... I miss you too kitten.