Yknow... Id like to say when it rains it pours, but the whole negative thing is getting old.
My grandma died last night.
See, we were never that close. She was a raging alcoholic bitch. A total fuckjob.
Im happy that she is in a better place because she was making all of us completely miserable here on Planet Life.
When my mom called me this morning, I thought it was cuz my stepdad had died so this was kind of a weird shocker.
My stepdad is now in hospice. Basically means he has decided to die. They took him off TPN (IV nourishment) and like I'm just, sorta, waiting for a phone call to have to come back to Edmonton.
Sounds weird, but to hear how well my mom is dealing with it is extremely inspiring because I know shes gonna be okay.
I thought I was gonna have to be the tough one, and it turns out my mom, the woman who spent most of her life being afraid of being alone is standing taller than any of us and Im just sorta in awe of her.
Moms. They fucked up like that.
Anyways. Other than that... things are going swell. In fact, including that... things are going swell. I dont have separate lives.
My life... is good.

My grandma died last night.
See, we were never that close. She was a raging alcoholic bitch. A total fuckjob.
Im happy that she is in a better place because she was making all of us completely miserable here on Planet Life.
When my mom called me this morning, I thought it was cuz my stepdad had died so this was kind of a weird shocker.
My stepdad is now in hospice. Basically means he has decided to die. They took him off TPN (IV nourishment) and like I'm just, sorta, waiting for a phone call to have to come back to Edmonton.
Sounds weird, but to hear how well my mom is dealing with it is extremely inspiring because I know shes gonna be okay.
I thought I was gonna have to be the tough one, and it turns out my mom, the woman who spent most of her life being afraid of being alone is standing taller than any of us and Im just sorta in awe of her.
Moms. They fucked up like that.
Anyways. Other than that... things are going swell. In fact, including that... things are going swell. I dont have separate lives.
My life... is good.

Glad to hear that your mom's holding up well.
I miss chatting with you in the evenings. Darn work