So a new era begins for me.
I have quit smoking weed for an indefinite amount of time. I need to center myself and get stable.
I am focusing on getting the script financed so I can start making some real films.
I am starting to go to a local buddhist temple to study buddhism and learn how to focus more deeply.
My girl and I are doing amazing...she is truly a gift.
I have quit smoking weed for an indefinite amount of time. I need to center myself and get stable.
I am focusing on getting the script financed so I can start making some real films.
I am starting to go to a local buddhist temple to study buddhism and learn how to focus more deeply.
My girl and I are doing amazing...she is truly a gift.
I don't don't sound all that enthused about my weekend Mr.! LOL Oh, but my Zen Buddhist friend is the really tall girl in that group pic by the way....6ft actually...and with those 5.5 inch heels she was quite literally an amazon woman that night! lol
hey, that sounds awesome, that you are doing some soul searching. Seriously, I am really proud of you for puttin the weed aside for a while. Also, just watched this program on PBS called The Celtic Woman. It was a concert special, but this tour is coming to the Hippodrome in baltimore sometime next month. It may be something that you and the lil lady might find interesting!