I recently moved. I had a friend from work who I hung out with all the time. I moved into a place with an other co-worker. Since I moved into the new place we never seem to hang out. He's always with my roommate. I feel rejected and depressed. He comes over, but not to hang with me. Always the other guy. Never me. I dont make friends very easily. I make a small handful. I dont do well in large groups. One on one I open up. Have fun. I dont like my roommate. He lies. A lot. About stupid shit. I get blown off for his mind numbing stupidity. Im all alone. They go out and dont invite me. Were we ever really friends? Or did I just happen to be there? Who the fuck knows. You can never count on anyone but yourself. Happy Thanksgiving to me.
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Happy ThanksGiving!!! Wasn't Harry Potter... just the GREATEST?!?!?! OMG, I cant wait to see the next one, and all the others after that!
happy thanks giving and stick in there you'll be fine