So yesterday I went out spider hunting again and came back with two crab spiders of varying sizes. I'll probably never identify them exactly but they're soooo fun to watch. I also caught like the worlds biggest cricket for Rosie.... Yummmm, crickets. I saw her do something new. When she was done eating she had a little leftover hunk of shell that she didn't want so she took it out of her mouth with her pedipalps, rolled it up into a ball and put it in the corner of her habitat, tucking it down deep into the corner between the substrate and the wall. It was too funny. I took it out of course, cause I always remove leftovers so I don't get scuttle flies and it was rock hard and looked like a chunk of carbon...
It was highly entertaining. The other thing she does that never ceases to crack me up is she always misses one leg on every cricket she eats. She'll be sitting there digesting away and inevitably one leg will fall off when the joint melts and she doesn't notice. I could count exactly how many crickets she's ever eaten if I kept all the legs she's left behind. Only that would be gross and I don't want cricket parts scattered around my apartment so I flush them.....
Also, I'd like to add, that superworms smell bad.
as far as the fillerbunny thing goes, thanks for explaining that. my next question was going to be where you got your sn from. : )