I went spider hunting tonight and found a huge cobweb spider. I have no idea what kind. I can't find it on any of the identification sites. I guess this means a trip to the library! all I know is that it's hilarious. It's the most aggressive spider I've seen yet. If you even wave a stick in its general direction it attacks it. Too cool. too cool. Anyway, Rosie is fat and happy and that's all that matters....
That and jason is happy (not fat though)
Spiders are cool. Don't want them on me though!
My wife and I went to a corn stalk maze last fall. As we were going through, we saw a too cool spider. It was yellow and black and including its legs, it was as big around as the fingers of my outstretched hand. Its web had a zig-zag pattern in the middle like a zipper. The spiders legs alternated in color from wide yellow bands to black bands.
We told the owner of the maze about it and he said that he was going to catch it and take it to the local co-op to see what kind it was. I never did find out. Any ideas?