Word from Caradoc. I miss him. This sucks.
It's okay, I'm not mad or anything. I just don't get much word out here
from home, and I was getting tired of waiting. I get tired easily out
here. The desert drains you. Thank you for posting my e-mail, it was
very considerate. I hope people begin to see things from my point of view.
These protests has everyone questioning whether this is right or wrong.
It's right, but maybe for the wrong reasons. But it is the right thing
to do, kicking this abusive father figure out of Iraq. The Iraqis
deserve better. They just don't want any backlash, so they're afraid to
support us. Saddam would have their families killed, and then torture, beat
and rape their wives and daughters in front of them. Maybe then, he
would kill the person who dared support the US. But maybe he'd just
amputate their appendages and let them live. Or throw them in a
disease-ridden jail cell for life. But that's not so bad, right? Urge mom and dad to
share my e-mails with you. I don't often get the chance to write
everyone, just a few here and there, cuz we only have one computer and it is
SLOW as hell. It takes 2-5 minutes to load a page. That sucks. Real
big. Anyway, tell me what souvenirs you want while I'm out here. I'm
already bringing back Cuban cigars. Just let me know. And have the hot
girlies waiting for me when I get back... a-ight?
I could also use some new music CDs (maybe you can find Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother or Best of the Rolling Stones?). Playing cards, especially odd types like Uno or Panabara (sp?) would be really great. Dice would be good too. No, I will not be betting my shirt. I don't have enough of those to bet anyway. I think it gets up in the high 80's here in the afternoon but it drops down to around the 40's or 50's at night. The humidity is a bit higher than California, but not as high as Ohio. It's windy most days. Up north, with the regiments, it is scary how windy and sandy it gets. The sandstorms are like the wrath of God there. Tear the flesh off your bones, if you got caught in the path of a bad one. You can't walk around up there without eye protection (sunglasses, goggles) because of all the flying debris. Crazy, huh? It rains for like 5 seconds sometimes. Supposedly it hailed the day before we arrived. Strange for a desert, you would think. We PT every day. There's not much else to do, and it wears you out so you can go to sleep early and get a good 9 or 10 hours. The weather and the sun just drain you. We are having delays getting gas masks for the media, so we haven't sent them out to the regiments yet. Next week, probably. I had fun in Kuwait City at the Hilton though. I bought cigarettes and Cuban cigars. I plan on taking some back with me. They don't check our stuff, being military and all. I'll make sure I keep them on my person just to make sure. A bunch of the guys have done it before, so I'm not worried. Do you want any souvenirs? Maybe a stuffed camel? Or your very own sheep herder? We got those. And sand. Lots of sand. This is a REAL desert, not like Death Valley. This is no man's land. The Kuwaitis can't drive for shit, by the way. Thought mom might like to know they're worse than Californians on the road. There's junk piled up everywhere on the sides of the road and often in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Remains of Desert Storm perhaps. I wouldn't want to live here. Kuwait City really is unremarkable from what I observed. Perhaps I should have got the guided tour. I certainly got the guarded one anyway. We don't screw around when it comes to security. No one's capping anyone while I'm around unless it means a dead terrorist. This is NOT home. Maybe if I get a chance, I'll send some pics, but it may have to wait til I get home, this connection SUCKS. It takes 2 minutes to download an e-mail. That is damn slow. And have the time, I have to resend cuz the time runs out. Oh well. I'm freaking tired. I'm cashing in. Take care y'all. Thanks for your love and support.
It's okay, I'm not mad or anything. I just don't get much word out here
from home, and I was getting tired of waiting. I get tired easily out
here. The desert drains you. Thank you for posting my e-mail, it was
very considerate. I hope people begin to see things from my point of view.
These protests has everyone questioning whether this is right or wrong.
It's right, but maybe for the wrong reasons. But it is the right thing
to do, kicking this abusive father figure out of Iraq. The Iraqis
deserve better. They just don't want any backlash, so they're afraid to
support us. Saddam would have their families killed, and then torture, beat
and rape their wives and daughters in front of them. Maybe then, he
would kill the person who dared support the US. But maybe he'd just
amputate their appendages and let them live. Or throw them in a
disease-ridden jail cell for life. But that's not so bad, right? Urge mom and dad to
share my e-mails with you. I don't often get the chance to write
everyone, just a few here and there, cuz we only have one computer and it is
SLOW as hell. It takes 2-5 minutes to load a page. That sucks. Real
big. Anyway, tell me what souvenirs you want while I'm out here. I'm
already bringing back Cuban cigars. Just let me know. And have the hot
girlies waiting for me when I get back... a-ight?
I could also use some new music CDs (maybe you can find Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother or Best of the Rolling Stones?). Playing cards, especially odd types like Uno or Panabara (sp?) would be really great. Dice would be good too. No, I will not be betting my shirt. I don't have enough of those to bet anyway. I think it gets up in the high 80's here in the afternoon but it drops down to around the 40's or 50's at night. The humidity is a bit higher than California, but not as high as Ohio. It's windy most days. Up north, with the regiments, it is scary how windy and sandy it gets. The sandstorms are like the wrath of God there. Tear the flesh off your bones, if you got caught in the path of a bad one. You can't walk around up there without eye protection (sunglasses, goggles) because of all the flying debris. Crazy, huh? It rains for like 5 seconds sometimes. Supposedly it hailed the day before we arrived. Strange for a desert, you would think. We PT every day. There's not much else to do, and it wears you out so you can go to sleep early and get a good 9 or 10 hours. The weather and the sun just drain you. We are having delays getting gas masks for the media, so we haven't sent them out to the regiments yet. Next week, probably. I had fun in Kuwait City at the Hilton though. I bought cigarettes and Cuban cigars. I plan on taking some back with me. They don't check our stuff, being military and all. I'll make sure I keep them on my person just to make sure. A bunch of the guys have done it before, so I'm not worried. Do you want any souvenirs? Maybe a stuffed camel? Or your very own sheep herder? We got those. And sand. Lots of sand. This is a REAL desert, not like Death Valley. This is no man's land. The Kuwaitis can't drive for shit, by the way. Thought mom might like to know they're worse than Californians on the road. There's junk piled up everywhere on the sides of the road and often in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Remains of Desert Storm perhaps. I wouldn't want to live here. Kuwait City really is unremarkable from what I observed. Perhaps I should have got the guided tour. I certainly got the guarded one anyway. We don't screw around when it comes to security. No one's capping anyone while I'm around unless it means a dead terrorist. This is NOT home. Maybe if I get a chance, I'll send some pics, but it may have to wait til I get home, this connection SUCKS. It takes 2 minutes to download an e-mail. That is damn slow. And have the time, I have to resend cuz the time runs out. Oh well. I'm freaking tired. I'm cashing in. Take care y'all. Thanks for your love and support.
do you post on the DS messageboards?