I just got home from work and I ran in the apartment to see Rosie (my tarantula) I could stare at that little arachnid for hours. She's just so COOL! I found all these great stones in a wash that are all rounded and cool looking and her habitat is looking pretty cool. At one end of her little bark hut/home thingy I watched her build a web... It was so NEAT! She has these little fingers that come out of her butt.
They're like maybe half an inch long and she just uses the two of them like any old fingers to place her web wherever she wants it. It's almost like she can see back there but I know she can't cause her abdomen gets in the way...
I accidentally poked her in the head with my finger (not hard but they don't like fingers near their faces) and she reared up on her hind legs and bared her fangs at me.... SWEET!
I have a tarantula, I have a tarantula, I have a tarantula
I do the dance of joy...
I'm gonna go see what she's doing now!
::::update on Rosie's activities:::
right now she's.... get this....sleeping! Yeah, she's all curled up in her little home just snoozing.. It's the first time she's stopped moving since I put her in there. I better make sure she's not dead......
:::::::more on Rosie:::::::
Jason held her again today and this time she didn't shit on him although I was half expecting her too. If she did I don't think he'd ever touch her again, and Eric got to hold her today for the first time... It made him giggle... in a mannly military way of course. Right now she's cruising around her terrarium in the dark hunting for bugs that aren't in there. It's cool though. She'll eat some mad crickets tomorrow.
I know I know.... I'm pathetic.
ps Amina's new set makes me go .... oh my .....
Days go by, on the wings of our dreams...
Rise and fall, on the wings of our dreams