I'm sick, as we all seem to be around this time of year. I thought winter colds only happened in the cold places, but now living in sunny socal I realize that it is a curse upon the world that during the months of January and February ALL MUST SUFFER!!!!!!!!
Needless to say the cold medicine is kinda fucking me up. If I'm not careful my head might actually float away.
Thankfully I have daze to take care of me and pamper me, and baby me, and make me balogna sandwiches which makes it almost worthwhile being sick.
My Oma died yesterday, I just found out when I got home. (for those non-germans out there Oma means grandma, she's actually my great-grandmother but you get the picture)
She was 95 and ready to go. My Opa has been dead for years and she just was really sick of living at this point. It's sad but it wasn't a suprise, I'm more happy for her then anything cause near the end all she talked about was how shitty she felt and how much she wanted to not be here anymore.
She really didn't know who anybody was anymore either.
Such is life. I really hope I never get that old....
Begging to be dead just isn't my idea of a good way to go is all. I want to go out in a blaze of glory, some amazing plane wreck or tragic explosion..... Something that makes a decent finale to this whirlwind life I've led.
I can't go to the funeral cause it's back in Ohio and it's tomorrow and everything. I'm just gonna write my grandma a condolence letter and stuff.
Random fact: I was actually enrolled in Mortuary Science and worked briefly at a Funeral home but decided not to pursue the career because it got boring wayyyyy too fast.
she said "the good news is that they don't complain, but the bad news is that they give lousy tips."
she always smelled like formaldhyde.