FINALLY! I'm moving back up the range of emotions towards the manic state again, maybe now I can actually get something DONE! E h.... anyway I have a million things to do and I'm almost motivated enough to begin doing them....
I'm big on Sloth, sloth is easy to get, and cheap. You need a partner, or at least an object to get the most out of lust. Gluttony and avarice take something of a financial investment, but sloth is damned convenient. You can get in some good sloth in your own bedroom, watching tv or even at the office. And if anyone gives you a hard time about it just point out that by doing nothing, you're helping to slow down the endless march of entropy therefore delaying the ultimate heat death of the universe.....
I'm a nerd...
As for make up effects yes that is a lucrative market to get into. Tom Savini runs a make up effects school in PA I think. I've seen the students at horror conventions alot. Have no idea if thier work placement program is any good. There is also Joe Blasco's school in Hollywood.