A little down, Miss the family and all what with the holidays coming up. My mama sent us peanut butter cookies cause she couldn't send pumpkin pie and turkey through the mail. I think me and Caradoc are gonna go to the beach today, and then we're going to some lietenant ladies house for Thanksgiving. Not exactly the same thing as seeing the fam, nope, not at all. I think daze is hanging with us on Christmas. Anybody else family-less is welcome to hang with us as well.
spent approx. 16 hours painting yesterday. My back is killing me but the results are worth it. My little monster's coming along quite nice. I'm bored and kinda sad today....
Write me things to cheer me up!!
just stopped by to say you've got a rad name.
i've missed my puppy's little smushie face...it's nice to see my Demon again. his snoring is more comforting than my roomates.