so, just spent like two hours chatting to my mama and daddy on aim. That was nice. I miss the old farts. JJ! So the big interview is tomorrow morning and I'm gonna go get something to wear for it tonight. Gotta look my best. Put on that good girl face. You know the deal.
Anyway, feeling melodramatic and melancholy and lots of other m words today. I need to go soak my head.
that is all.....
"Your mom! Your mom! You're fucking mom!" jeez what are you my mom? Get off my back. What the fuck are you talking about?
I hate having AIM conversations with my mom, she writes like she's writing a letter. so whereas i'm always writing a few sentences and then posting it to her, she'll then write like 3 paragraphs and take about 5 minutes between posting me anything. the conversation doesnt really flow very well. hehe