I wrote a new comic last night. Well it's not really a comic in the traditional sense but it's kind of a hybrid between a childrens story and a comic.
I thought it was really cute. The brother says it doesn't make any sense. I guess it might not if you haven't seen the pictures, and he hasn't. I still think it makes sense though. I have a question, "why do unattractive people put their pictures on sowouldyoudome.com? Isn't that an excuse to get ripped apart?" Just thinking is all....
So here's the new comic without pictures of course although if I do say so myself the illustrations are some of my best.
I was never really human, not really. Sure I emerged slimy and screaming from a human womb but that alone doesn't make me a person.
I wish I could say that I'm something more. A creature of myth perhaps, or a possessor of certain powers
but that isn't where I'm going with this. No I'm not more, I'm somehow....less.
It's really such a little thing isn't it? You wouldn't think....
I wasn't always bad either. I wasn't much of anything. But it began to hurt you see.... the emptiness.
So I filled it up.
Tthey should warn people about these things. Nobody ever told me not to put rocks in my chest cavity. i guess it never crossed their minds. But they could have slid it in there somewhere between don't pick y our nose, and strangers are bad.
I wouldn't say it was the rocks themselves that changed things. I always had it in me.
No, the rocks were merely an excuse.
The thing is I'm not sorry I'm a monster. I don't seek retribution or forgiveness. I'm just an attention junky.
I guess I have it now hehe. They think it's over. They think they can cross me off their list entitled Menaces to society.
But what they don't know will be the death of them all.
What they don't know will DEVOUR them. I'll tell you a little secret.
I'm not the desease. No......
I'm only the symptom.
Okay, so to clarify. It's a little girl speaking from a prison/mental ward. (she's sitting on the floor behind bars) and the basis of the story is she was born without a heart so she cut her chest open and filled it with rocks and sewed it back up with yarn.
(This part of the story you get from the illustration. )
Then she gets all weird and turns into a monster and starts eating people, etc. And the point (or moral if you will) is that the people who have locked her safely away are stupid because they think they'll solve the worlds problems by locking up little girls without hearts instead of conquering the real beast which is...
what is wrong with the world that would cause a little girl to be born without a heart in the first place?
Get it? The illustrations are really cute. She looks a lot like me. She has my haircut only it's all ratty and in her eyes and her eyes take up like half of her face but they're all unfocused and they look all hollow and everything and she's ALWAYS smiling which is particularly creepy when it's a little girl talking about sewing rocks into her chest.
And she has just a couple of these tiny little needle teeth. It's cool. You'd like it. i don't know who you are but if I say you'd like it you would cause it's my journal so poo on you. And it DOES too make sense.
That is all.
^ to clarify things, that other comment by me was actually my brother trying to comment in my journal but he forgot to switch screen names on the computer before he did so. He's having trouble figuring out the whole two users on one computer thing.