1. "The Dirt : Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band" (thanks 100 Most Metal Moments!)
2. "Pet Sounds" Beach Boys
3. "Let it Bleed" Rolling Stones
1. "The Dirt : Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band" (thanks 100 Most Metal Moments!)
2. "Pet Sounds" Beach Boys
3. "Let it Bleed" Rolling Stones
thank yo for your comment on my new set!
Attitude shift, YES. Basically that's been me. I am having to downshift and get realistic about...well, everything. Life. Living it instead of just inhaling and exhaling.
These thoughts aren't gonna flow so much, I just realized. Anywh00...
The love thing goes like this. Love is expansive, so its opposite is only...love. Kinda like...the universe....there's no opposite, it continually evolves and unfolds. I was still dancing in that schema that there was an opposite. I'd heard a girl read a poem talking about that concept.
Corny. Thinking about it though, makes me feel good. More comfy in my skin. In this life. So, if that's the case, I'll take corny, happily.