going to get coffee and smokes. good times EL SUICIDO LOCO
going home ARRR!!!
Good times today. Met up with old friends, played with a balisong knife, made a run to the bank five minutes before it closed and they didn't mind. had to buy stuff i didn't have money for and ended up getting everythink for free.even made hella tips today,
sometimes life just fits that modest mouse song "float on" ARRR!!! bok
GD its hot today. good day to go swimming and do some shit. have some friends over order a pizza. light up. and then go back out. hopefully thats how it goes, maybe even through a bbq today ARRR!!!
I need money and my bank account screwed up my new pin number and i can't get to any money until monday. I shouldn't procrastinate on buying the staples of life.
i need some bud
So, just made this account. its 4:20a.m. saturday and i'm ironically coming down off a high. Fuck i want to go to a party tonight but i gotta work. I wish i was tired. fuck this, i'm going out for my last few hours. before work, i'll be tired anyway.
n_n hi !

Welcome to SG!
