I just fucking love Suicide girls...
When i look at their pictures.. i feel an atmosfere... i feel a way of life... and i wish i could be friends with the girls...
I feel sometimes that i have something in comun with the girls...
I feel identified.
I wish to be prettier.. i wish to be better... i wish to be thinner.. i wish to have more tattoos
I wanna be free to do what ever i want in my life.
I wanna be free to be who iam inside.
Years gone by, and i still wanna be a Sucide Girl.
Cos i feel it in my life.
I already iam.
IAm a musician, and a faithfull follower of her dreams
I wish the best for all the girls.
Especially the Chilean ones.
I send all my love to everyone in this page who adores To be just yourself.
to be true to yourself.
ITs the most important of all things.

Love your writing, enjoy your music, and as you say, you are a Suicide Girl!