Talk about an emotional week. Man. What a mess. I think it's over now... or mostly solved anyways.
Dancing makes everything better. Better than drugs, better than sex. Dancing is at once physical, emotional, sensual - demanding a quickness of foot and mind which words just can't compete with. All you need is a dress that can move, a good beat and an amazing partner. You don't have to be clever, or entertaining or tell stories... you just have to move to music! It's easy... and oh it's so lovely! and you meet amazing people without ever having to say a word if you don't wish.
I feel slightly high the next day, and accomplished. It is as though the worries of life are suddenly more manageable. My body is tired, yet energized and my mind is relaxed.
This friends, is how to start a weekend.
Dancing makes everything better. Better than drugs, better than sex. Dancing is at once physical, emotional, sensual - demanding a quickness of foot and mind which words just can't compete with. All you need is a dress that can move, a good beat and an amazing partner. You don't have to be clever, or entertaining or tell stories... you just have to move to music! It's easy... and oh it's so lovely! and you meet amazing people without ever having to say a word if you don't wish.
I feel slightly high the next day, and accomplished. It is as though the worries of life are suddenly more manageable. My body is tired, yet energized and my mind is relaxed.
This friends, is how to start a weekend.
Its amazing - how much exercise you can get from a night of dancing! And you always feel good about it the next day! Cool!
You know what...I checked out that link. I got so aggravated by the things that I read in the very first thread that I don't think I could be a member there. The people expressing opinions were completely ignorant of what the actual facts and motivations were. I just can't...