Here's some random stuff about me you probably don't care about...
Last Person Who...
Slept in your bed?Me and my cat, Gelfling
Saw you cry? My Mom
Who made you cry? My dying
You shared a drink with? An entirely way too married woman
You went to the movies with? Greg
You went to the mall with? My Ex
Have You Ever...
Said "I Love You" and meant it? Yes
Gotten in a fight with your pet? If by fight you mean wrestling match
Been to California? Nope
Been to Mexico? Nope
Been to China? Nope
Been to Canada? Yep
Danced naked? that's how i roll
Right Now...
Do you have a crush on someone? Very much so
What book are you reading now? The Lord of Night
Worst feeling in the world? Helpless
Future son's name? Thorgrim Doomhammer
Future daughter's name? Rain
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? My cat is pretty fluffy
What's under your bed? Fred Kruger and porn
Favorite sport to watch? Football
Piercings/Tattoos? Tribal all over my shoulders
Do you drink?....come on... Does the popeshit in the woods
What are you most scared of? something happening to those i care about
What clothes do you sleep in? none
Where do you want to get married? I don't get this question...
Do you drive? the sex machine
Do you have a job? i'm the boss of a job
Do you like being around people? depends
Are you for world peace? boring
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with? um...i did go to high school...
Have you ever cried? yes...but not for over a decade...i think i'm broken
Are you lonely right now? indeed
Song that's stuck in your head a lot? "Dance Magic Dance" from labrynth
Have you ever:
Been in love? quite so
Played strip poker? no
Gotten beaten up? knocked out in one punch...what a buster i am
Beaten someone up? many someone's, but they all deserved it... or so i tell my self
Slept outdoors? yes
Pulled an all nighter? i'm in the process of one
Been on radio/TV? Television several times...
Been in a mosh-pit? that's such a queer question i refuse to answer
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? both
In the last 24 Hours have you...
Cried? no
Bought something? porn
Gotten sick? does waking up hung over count?
Sang? i was singing Footloose for most of the day
Been kissed? nope
Had sex? nope
Felt stupid? um... no today was a smart day...ask me tomarrow
Missed someone? tooo much
Had sex with a dead person? well i.... wait, what?
Last Person Who...
Slept in your bed?Me and my cat, Gelfling
Saw you cry? My Mom
Who made you cry? My dying
You shared a drink with? An entirely way too married woman
You went to the movies with? Greg
You went to the mall with? My Ex
Have You Ever...
Said "I Love You" and meant it? Yes
Gotten in a fight with your pet? If by fight you mean wrestling match
Been to California? Nope
Been to Mexico? Nope
Been to China? Nope
Been to Canada? Yep
Danced naked? that's how i roll
Right Now...
Do you have a crush on someone? Very much so
What book are you reading now? The Lord of Night
Worst feeling in the world? Helpless
Future son's name? Thorgrim Doomhammer
Future daughter's name? Rain
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? My cat is pretty fluffy
What's under your bed? Fred Kruger and porn
Favorite sport to watch? Football
Piercings/Tattoos? Tribal all over my shoulders
Do you drink?....come on... Does the popeshit in the woods
What are you most scared of? something happening to those i care about
What clothes do you sleep in? none
Where do you want to get married? I don't get this question...
Do you drive? the sex machine
Do you have a job? i'm the boss of a job
Do you like being around people? depends
Are you for world peace? boring
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with? um...i did go to high school...
Have you ever cried? yes...but not for over a decade...i think i'm broken
Are you lonely right now? indeed
Song that's stuck in your head a lot? "Dance Magic Dance" from labrynth
Have you ever:
Been in love? quite so
Played strip poker? no
Gotten beaten up? knocked out in one punch...what a buster i am
Beaten someone up? many someone's, but they all deserved it... or so i tell my self
Slept outdoors? yes
Pulled an all nighter? i'm in the process of one
Been on radio/TV? Television several times...
Been in a mosh-pit? that's such a queer question i refuse to answer
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? both
In the last 24 Hours have you...
Cried? no
Bought something? porn
Gotten sick? does waking up hung over count?
Sang? i was singing Footloose for most of the day
Been kissed? nope
Had sex? nope
Felt stupid? um... no today was a smart day...ask me tomarrow
Missed someone? tooo much
Had sex with a dead person? well i.... wait, what?

haha no dreamcatcher you dork!