It's 3 in the morning...i'm drunk beyond reason...though i'll try to type correctly.
so... i have yet to be able to convice anyone i live in atlanta...and be allowed to join the ATLiens...but i don't hate...Llona's too beautiful to question
but i'll write anyway...
be ready for LOTS of elipses...they're my favorite.
i also refuse to capitalise sue me.
I'm trying to get scolicited (did i spell that right?) right now, my script for Marvel Comics is completed and it rules...all of my freinds have read it and they approve, though they are all cynics at heart...which makers me happy.
i like being happy
did i mention how much whiskey i drank tonight? tommarow i'll need to go get my car... that won't be fun.
taxi's rule
i rule
but how would You know?
You haven't met me yet.
You will...i can feel it...
I'd love to come to the party this weekend, but i can't find anything about it because i'm not allowed in the group, what an outcast i am...
not really, i just like to pretend because Lone Wolves Rule...
i'm going to put a new pic of me up at the moment...
yep, i'm drunk as a skunk...who drank whiskey
i should stop writing now...but i probably won't...
no wait...i will
so... i have yet to be able to convice anyone i live in atlanta...and be allowed to join the ATLiens...but i don't hate...Llona's too beautiful to question
but i'll write anyway...
be ready for LOTS of elipses...they're my favorite.
i also refuse to capitalise sue me.
I'm trying to get scolicited (did i spell that right?) right now, my script for Marvel Comics is completed and it rules...all of my freinds have read it and they approve, though they are all cynics at heart...which makers me happy.
i like being happy
did i mention how much whiskey i drank tonight? tommarow i'll need to go get my car... that won't be fun.
taxi's rule
i rule
but how would You know?
You haven't met me yet.
You will...i can feel it...
I'd love to come to the party this weekend, but i can't find anything about it because i'm not allowed in the group, what an outcast i am...
not really, i just like to pretend because Lone Wolves Rule...
i'm going to put a new pic of me up at the moment...
yep, i'm drunk as a skunk...who drank whiskey
i should stop writing now...but i probably won't...
no wait...i will
Confidence does you no good when your friend is telling you that something you did hurt her. 

i agree 100%. distance is great.. until they randomly show up at your parents house to drop off mean letters