so i made a bet with a friend of mine, and most would think nothing of it, but the wager is a tattoo, so its a little more interesting than usual.
if Vancouver beats Boston for the cup, I have to get a vancouver logo lighting the fuse to a pile of dynamite surrounding a boston logo with a little picket sign that says "yikes".........and vice versa if things go in my favour.
i have got to quit being such a degenerate gambler........
wish me luck anyone thats reads this
if Vancouver beats Boston for the cup, I have to get a vancouver logo lighting the fuse to a pile of dynamite surrounding a boston logo with a little picket sign that says "yikes".........and vice versa if things go in my favour.
i have got to quit being such a degenerate gambler........
wish me luck anyone thats reads this

Btw,thank you for yr support on my set,it means a lot to me
well as I am all for new ink, I already have my couple stupid tattoos.
but I am a self admitted degenerate gambler and some times it pays off in a big way.
shame on Vancouver fans for the stupid rioting though......and just to prove my point why I dislike vancouver pothead losers, vancouver just hosted the last olympic games meaning i doubt their security measures like facial recognition databases just up and fucked if you were in vancouver wearing a canucks jersey flipping and burning cars, looting stores and stabbing people wearing boston jerseys........enjoy the next few months of freedom because sometime soon, prison sex will be the only thing you are cheering for.
fuck you Vancouver!