I got upset yesterday. You're gonna laugh, but the media pissed me off. For years (literally, years) i've been crushed by all of the conflict going on in Africa. Murder, rape, genocide, infanticide, forced drug habits, forced military recruitments, theft, kidnappings, greed.
Sudan. Darfur. Tutsis. Hutus.
You know what was on the front page of the newspaper? Million dollar homes sliding down a hill in California. No one died. People's fancy shit broke.
It's been going on for years, people around the world turning a blind eye to Africa, so I don't know why I finally got upset over it yesterday. I guess it was just the stark contrast of what some consider a disaster in combination with the idea that the media chooses what stories will sell papers and not what is relevant or important.
Thank God for NPR.
Sudan. Darfur. Tutsis. Hutus.
You know what was on the front page of the newspaper? Million dollar homes sliding down a hill in California. No one died. People's fancy shit broke.
It's been going on for years, people around the world turning a blind eye to Africa, so I don't know why I finally got upset over it yesterday. I guess it was just the stark contrast of what some consider a disaster in combination with the idea that the media chooses what stories will sell papers and not what is relevant or important.
Thank God for NPR.
I tell you what, the media is one fuct up medium... i am a journo, got out of current events years ago after realising the imbalance of coverage...now i stick to music and art.