Two more weeks....
I currently have one of those know the kind...they eat all of your food without asking or offering to replace what they've consumed.
He doesn't know this yet, but he's buying my dinner tonight, y'know, because he ate mine.
Anyway, he's moving out in two weeks. Oh, how I count the days....
In other news, I'm hosting a bachelor party and the rehearsal dinner at my house this weekend for my friend's wedding, in which I will be an usher. I'll post some pictures of me in my fancy new pinstripe suit. I'm taking off of work Friday so I can super-scrub my house and get it all purtified for the many guests, few of whom I actually know.
I've been thinking about the design for my next's gonna be pretty sweet if I can pull it off.
love your brothers and sisters
I currently have one of those know the kind...they eat all of your food without asking or offering to replace what they've consumed.

Anyway, he's moving out in two weeks. Oh, how I count the days....
In other news, I'm hosting a bachelor party and the rehearsal dinner at my house this weekend for my friend's wedding, in which I will be an usher. I'll post some pictures of me in my fancy new pinstripe suit. I'm taking off of work Friday so I can super-scrub my house and get it all purtified for the many guests, few of whom I actually know.
I've been thinking about the design for my next's gonna be pretty sweet if I can pull it off.
love your brothers and sisters

whats up dude, its so funny you brought that up, i've got 1 of my girls friends "17" living with us for a week,plus i've got my soon to be nece living here for like 5 days, i'm kinda glad my young'est girls staying with her mom right now to offset the cost... talk to you later... chuck
Oh GOD can I just say that living without roommates like that is worth every penny of the extra rent. Every single penny. Enjoy your dinner on your roommate!