So I got hit by a car door while riding my bicycle. This is the 3rd time in 7 months I've been hit by a vehicle. The guy tried telling me it was my fault because he was parked and I was riding in the street -- apparently both of which make it my fault. Whatever.
I got his insurance info, but only after he offered me $40 to just ride away (which I did not take...that wouldn't even cover my co-pay for the hospital visit). Then when I mentioned I was calling the police to file a report, he quite promptly hopped in his SUV and drove off, which means he is now charged with a hit & run!!!
So then I went to the hospital and I have a couple bad contusions on my arm and leg. It's bruising quite nicely and I will take a picture soon to show you all.
I called his insurance company today and the claims department is supposed to contact me soon.
In other news, I'm leaving this Friday for a bachelor party in Las Vegas then I'm flying from there to New Orleans to go visit my family.
My brother, who is currently stationed in Arizona, has a couple weeks leave then is being shipped off to Afghanistan courtesy of the US Army. He's only supposed to be there for 4 months....but "6 months in Iraq" turned into "a year and a half everywhere in the middle east."
So I'm going to visit him since it'll likely be the last time I see him in a while.
And in other other news, I broke it off with the girl I was dating. She started to get a little you do. Some of you at Full Frontal BBQ might have seen her leave in a huff. I sure didn't. I was told later that I was not paying enough attention to her...while I was grilling 60 pounds of food on two grills for 80 people. My apologies, but to be fair I wasn't paying attention to anyone. I was a little busy.
love your brothers and sisters
I got his insurance info, but only after he offered me $40 to just ride away (which I did not take...that wouldn't even cover my co-pay for the hospital visit). Then when I mentioned I was calling the police to file a report, he quite promptly hopped in his SUV and drove off, which means he is now charged with a hit & run!!!
So then I went to the hospital and I have a couple bad contusions on my arm and leg. It's bruising quite nicely and I will take a picture soon to show you all.
I called his insurance company today and the claims department is supposed to contact me soon.
In other news, I'm leaving this Friday for a bachelor party in Las Vegas then I'm flying from there to New Orleans to go visit my family.
My brother, who is currently stationed in Arizona, has a couple weeks leave then is being shipped off to Afghanistan courtesy of the US Army. He's only supposed to be there for 4 months....but "6 months in Iraq" turned into "a year and a half everywhere in the middle east."
So I'm going to visit him since it'll likely be the last time I see him in a while.
And in other other news, I broke it off with the girl I was dating. She started to get a little you do. Some of you at Full Frontal BBQ might have seen her leave in a huff. I sure didn't. I was told later that I was not paying enough attention to her...while I was grilling 60 pounds of food on two grills for 80 people. My apologies, but to be fair I wasn't paying attention to anyone. I was a little busy.
love your brothers and sisters

I'm glad you're alright.
yeah i'm glad your alright i'm thinking of getting back into biking i dont know if i want to go with a moutain bike or like the 1" wide tires ps whats yer name ?