I just picked up a couple of books at the library: Angels & Demons and Deception Point, both by Dan Brown. I just started Angels & Demons and it's bloody hard to put it down; it's the "prequel" to The DaVinci code. It's fuckin crazy cause it seems like science fiction when in reality it's based on science fact: the existence of antimatter, the Illuminati and their vendetta against the Catholic Church, shit like that.
I loves me a good book and this one is definitely a recommended read. I've only read the first hundred or so pages so don't spoil it for me, but I've heard the ending is unbelievable.
Countdown to Canada: 11 days (maybe 10)
I loves me a good book and this one is definitely a recommended read. I've only read the first hundred or so pages so don't spoil it for me, but I've heard the ending is unbelievable.
Countdown to Canada: 11 days (maybe 10)
ooh damn good book i say! that and the da vinci code. they are like crack! can't put them down. have you or are you planning on reading any of the other Dan Brown books? i'm kinda curious how they are, but dont know anyone who's read em. hi, by the way

Um, you're not going on the Thailand trip because YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY...and you know it.