Hot damn, has it already been eight days since I've updated? Sheeeeit...
Well nothing's really happened worth mentioning because I've been working a lot, which doesn't necessarily mean getting paid more because I make the same every month. I've been thinking about staying longer here in Germany because I would get paid almost double for the entire next year, I'd still get the warehouse prices on tech gear that I enjoy while working in an Apple store, and I'd get a bigger apartment. The downside, of course, is that I will miss my friends and family even more, and they will be upset that I'll be gone even longer.
I've already been here for six and a half months, and my German has gotten a lot better since I've been taking lessons, but unfortunately they don't offer any more night courses until September, so I might not learn a hell of a lot in the meantime. I've met lots of people but only a few that I'd consider friends, and even fewer are actually really cool, but not as cool as my buddies back home.
I'm fuckin stoked about Seratonin and her boyfriend visiting me and Anna in October, and my good friends who just moved to England last month will be coming to visit next month. Unfortunately, not everybody can afford to visit me, which is why I'm going to try to go back to Canada some time soon, maybe in early August or maybe some time in September. It hurts so bad to be separated from everyone and everything back home.
Well, maybe not EVERYONE
As much as we make fun of the guy, he really is a good time and he's got *ahem* a couple of redeeming qualities. I'd like to say "a few", but let's just leave it at a couple. God save our souls the day he earns a badge and gets a gun.
Well nothing's really happened worth mentioning because I've been working a lot, which doesn't necessarily mean getting paid more because I make the same every month. I've been thinking about staying longer here in Germany because I would get paid almost double for the entire next year, I'd still get the warehouse prices on tech gear that I enjoy while working in an Apple store, and I'd get a bigger apartment. The downside, of course, is that I will miss my friends and family even more, and they will be upset that I'll be gone even longer.
I've already been here for six and a half months, and my German has gotten a lot better since I've been taking lessons, but unfortunately they don't offer any more night courses until September, so I might not learn a hell of a lot in the meantime. I've met lots of people but only a few that I'd consider friends, and even fewer are actually really cool, but not as cool as my buddies back home.
I'm fuckin stoked about Seratonin and her boyfriend visiting me and Anna in October, and my good friends who just moved to England last month will be coming to visit next month. Unfortunately, not everybody can afford to visit me, which is why I'm going to try to go back to Canada some time soon, maybe in early August or maybe some time in September. It hurts so bad to be separated from everyone and everything back home.
Well, maybe not EVERYONE

As much as we make fun of the guy, he really is a good time and he's got *ahem* a couple of redeeming qualities. I'd like to say "a few", but let's just leave it at a couple. God save our souls the day he earns a badge and gets a gun.
Do you think the sketches I sent you sucked?
Plus theres a girl I'd probably want to Jedi mind trick back to me. but with my luck it end up back firing and id end up having sex with a platypus or some shit.