Now that I'm finished with my brief intro...
Last night was the craziest fucking thing. I got home to my apartment at about 11:00 after my girlfriend kicked me out cause she needed to sleep (pffft, women) and I was sitting around watching TV when I heard someone crashing about in the parking lot. I didn't think anything of it at first until I saw through my curtains what appeared to be a few candles lit on my balcony. I opened my balcony door and saw a car outside in the parking lot on fire. It was half-parked in the trees across from my balcony, only about 30 feet away, and some asshole was running away with a gas canister in his hands. I yelled out "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK!!!" then I tossed on some shoes and ran down the stairs.
It was all like James Bond vigilante style shit and I thought I'd catch the guy and beat the shit out of him but I got there too late. The cocksucker had lit some poor guy's car on fire and now half the trees under my balcony were ablaze
I was out of minutes on my cell phone so someone else had to call the police and the fire brigade. In the meantime someone decides to play hero and put this giant fire out with their fire extinguisher. I thought the car was gonna explode so I kept my distance like a true pussy. Of course the guy's extinguisher died after like 10 seconds so he broke all the windows to see if someone was trapped inside. Luckily no one was.
Eventually the police and fire brigade showed up and put out the fire. I was the only witness who saw the guy who set the fire so I had to go to the police station today and try to pick the guy out of a series of mugshots on their computer. Of course it was running Windows 95 so it kept crashing
Anyways so here I am, sitting in my stinking hot office in Germany trying to soak in just what the fuck happened last night.
I miss Seratonin, Spark_of_Life, and Chanel.
Last night was the craziest fucking thing. I got home to my apartment at about 11:00 after my girlfriend kicked me out cause she needed to sleep (pffft, women) and I was sitting around watching TV when I heard someone crashing about in the parking lot. I didn't think anything of it at first until I saw through my curtains what appeared to be a few candles lit on my balcony. I opened my balcony door and saw a car outside in the parking lot on fire. It was half-parked in the trees across from my balcony, only about 30 feet away, and some asshole was running away with a gas canister in his hands. I yelled out "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK!!!" then I tossed on some shoes and ran down the stairs.
It was all like James Bond vigilante style shit and I thought I'd catch the guy and beat the shit out of him but I got there too late. The cocksucker had lit some poor guy's car on fire and now half the trees under my balcony were ablaze

I was out of minutes on my cell phone so someone else had to call the police and the fire brigade. In the meantime someone decides to play hero and put this giant fire out with their fire extinguisher. I thought the car was gonna explode so I kept my distance like a true pussy. Of course the guy's extinguisher died after like 10 seconds so he broke all the windows to see if someone was trapped inside. Luckily no one was.
Eventually the police and fire brigade showed up and put out the fire. I was the only witness who saw the guy who set the fire so I had to go to the police station today and try to pick the guy out of a series of mugshots on their computer. Of course it was running Windows 95 so it kept crashing

Anyways so here I am, sitting in my stinking hot office in Germany trying to soak in just what the fuck happened last night.
I miss Seratonin, Spark_of_Life, and Chanel.

Miss you too, Sar.
I'm glad we're all on here now! WEEEEEEEEE.... D!
don't forget to comment on my other blog, too.
[Edited on Jun 21, 2005 12:38PM]