Hello true believers,
Being very much a geezer now, here's a few things I really, really wished I'd learned 20 years ago!
1) Minimalism is the answer to a happier life!
Stop buying, collecting and obsessing about shit you do NOT need, as Tyler Durden rightly says in Fight Club,
'the things you own, end up owning you'
I used to collect loads of things, music and movies, comics, books, toys etc...
But being on the other side of this now, and having sold or gifted to charity shops all the shit I don't really really need.
( just kept essentials for my work, a camera, computer, small amount of clothing and a few treasured possessions with loads of sentimental value)
This feels especially relevant just now with all the Pokemon Go hype.
The only thing worth collecting are new experiences and new memories with people you cherish.
2) Try to always, always live in the moment.
really the only moment that really matters is the one we're in right now.
You can't change the past any more than you can determine your future, sure you can make plans, but life will usually find a way to throw you a curveball when you least expect it. You sacrifice your happiness by beating yourself up for the mistakes you feel you made in the past and potentially rid repeating those same mistakes all over again by focusing too much on the wrong thing!
keep moving forward, always.
3) Don't waste your time and energy on emotional vampires!
This one is a big one for me, as I naturally tend to be really enthusiastic and maybe a little intense and give lots of myself to new friendships or working relationships.
And with hindsight , I've given so much of myself, my time and my energy to people and situations that didn't deserve it.
Really your time is the most valuable thing you'll ever own and you have a finite amount of it.
Be really selective about whom you share it with. those that take you for granted, take more of your energy than they give back in return or worse, those that drain you emotionally, financially or mentally. You won't receive a medal or award for being selfless in these situations. usually you'll just end up feeling resentful that someone has taken advantage of your good intentions or nature.
We can't control other people, but we can be mindful to not let ourselves be drained but those that don't appreciate,. respect or care about you.
4) be nicer to yourself.
We tend to be way more forgiving, understanding and tolerant of other people than we are of ourselves.
Try and treat yourself the way you would a small child. Love, nurture and protect yourself.
don't ever beat yourself up.
5) try and avoid the 'three diseases of the mind'
Last but not least, always be mindful of what the Japanese call, 'the three diseases of the mind'
these three things we all do naturally but none of them really help us.
Fear should be there to protect you in bad situations, not to stop you trying new things, meeting new people or visiting new places.
Self doubt will limit your ambition and potential more than any other setback you could encounter. self sabotage can be a hard cycle to break.
Over-thinking leads straight to fear and self doubt! - don't do it!!
cheers to @missy and @rambo for this @bloghomework assignment.
Always happy to help anyone else who embraces the minimalism thing ( can be tricky to start!) so anyone wanting tips or links to some great resource sites for info on living a more minimalist existence - just reach out.