For those wishing to exert minimum effort and find out if they should see the movie or not. Yes see it, it's a 10/10 and probably the most faithful comic book to screen adaptation of a Marvel character so far. its fucking amazing.. GO see it.NOW!!
For those brave souls willing to give MAXIMUM EFFORT and get through the whole of my nerdy movie deconstruction read on(this review will have many, many spoilers,so if you've not seen Deadpool, probably best not to read this just yet :)
I grew up with comic books, was at just the right age, at just the right time for a great many milestone moments in comic book history, almost by accident most of the time, as I fell in and out of buying books regularly, but I always seemed to fall back into them just at the right time for something special coming along..
And one of the times I fell back into comics, was just as the Deadpool and Cable run came out, I think around 2004 (?? ish)
And I fell absolutely in love with his character, I'm a sucker for anything kinda ninja, and to me, Deadpool was always Marvel's kinda answer to Deathstroke ( another mercenary, called Slade Wilson, uses swords and guns, sounding familiar? ;) but Deadpool evolved into a way more intriguing and far funnier character than Deathstroke has ever really been given the chance to be so far...
And after being there first hand to witness the woeful use of Deadpool in Wolverine- Origins in 2009, And then X-men Last stand, that god-awful Daredevil movie with Affleck, the Elektra spinoff, ugh....they just got worse and worse, the idea of Fox studios managing to ever pull out a decent comic book film again seemed absurd.
But then that fucking test footage was leaked...and it was like a adrenaline shot to the senses compared to what we'd seen before.
It was someone actually giving a fuck about getting a character right, about making a visually arresting and exciting sequence and managing to make all of that funny, whilst not toning down the violence. Not an easy task....
for anyone who hasn't seen it before, here's the short clip that made what follows possible..
The guy behind it turned out to be Tim Miller, a VFX artist and Director whose work I actually already adored... I'm a huge David Fincher fan and Miller directed the opening titles to his Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movie, which are just gorgeously twisted...
Annnnnnd, he created the most epic little animated piece of Batman's origin story I've ever seen, he manages to reduce Bruce's story down to just 50seconds of footage that still beautifully tell you who that Character is and what made him...
it was a promo for Arkham Origins.
So finally we can actually get to the movie, and its going to be absolutely no surprise to learn that i fucking loved it,
That it had the back story it did and the odds so against it to succeed, is all the more impressive that Tim Miller has created what he did. The budget of this movie was less than most romantic comedies ( Deadpool is also one of the best romantic comedies I've seen in a long time, ) Its certainly an amazing barometer for gauging a potential dates sense of humour ;)
What they've managed to achieve with a budget of just $58 million is pretty insane, though I think having your own VFX company probably lets that $58 stretch out quite a bit. But they've been smart, focusing on only really one huge action sequence that they were able to split up through the narrative. the opening bridge assault that carries us right through the flashbacks and up until deadpool cuts his own hand off and falls off the bridge into the garbage truck is spectacular. From the opening titles slow exploration in detail of a time-sliced second lifted from the middle of the sequence, Deadpool introduced to us crotch first, revealing he's pulling a motorbike rider towards his decapitation in the only ultra-slow motion wedgie I can ever remember seeing all set to the strains of Angel in the Morning and the amazing 12 bullets section ( Deadpool constantly forgetting ammo and guns throughout was genius)
comedies can be so hit or miss, us all laughing at different things by and large, but the sheer volume of gags here is crazy, and most of them all hit, even the ones you know going in from the trailers still raise a chuckle. Supporting cast were all excellent, especially Morena Baccarin, who i've been a fan of from Gotham. I found the chemistry between her and Reynolds really believable and great fun, she felt like a good wise-cracking match for Wade 'Fat Gandalf' being a highlight.
But absolutely cannot overlook how fantastic Ryan Reynolds is in this movie, he pretty much IS this movie, he personally hired the writers a decade ago, seems to have been a true producer in the very hands on sense and owns this character completely.
I think it was a master stroke bringing out the film for Valentines, I found it very sweet, in a twisted, fucked up kinda way.
I've seen it 4 times now, think its paced really well and can't recommend it highly enough.
what did y'all think??
@rambo @missy @bloghomework