Oogle Week
Scrummyumyum just ate the last of delicccious homemade sushi hmmm though most of it fell apart in my chopsticks but hey thats what chucking them aside and grabbin it up with your fingers is for!
Thoroughly boring weekend compared to last. Last weekend especially exciting, saw my friends hilarious play up on Friday in Oxford amongst oogling at rich boys, went to a hideous club (po na nas anybody? *gah*) then a gorgeous club in London saturday for a birthday bash and funny how house parties encourage you to stay up til 8am.. well Im physically shattered, but not mentally/well Im mentally shattered, but not physically Who wants pizza?
Eye test yesterday man my optician is yummm, useful when allowing someone to stare intently into your eyeballs assessing the astigmatism oh so thats what they call it nowadays hmmm yeah do I sound frustrated enough? Some one slap me
Name this artist/song
The pain is immense
Personally I blame the parents
I dont know why
I just rolled over and died
Its one thing after another
But Im still your lover
Congrats on the theory test! Yeah, the meet was really fun! Lots of people i hadn't talked to before. You have to get yourself to the next one so i can get the chance to talk to you proparly for once!
And I liked the original name, it took me about two minutes to work it out.... "Tie-bird? What the hell is a... ohhhhh, I get it!"
Might be a while before I'm next in London, pretty broke and just started a new job. But will definitely let you know when