How long since my last entry?? I'm a disgrace.
Need to get useless internetness sorted at home- I promise to be a good girl from now on
dang thanks for the birthday wishes you guys! Damn well brought a tear to me eye...
Went for the sexxxiest and muchly illegally obtained sushi last night with Sinope and Phobot, Chris and Becca... AKA 2 bloody couples and ME.
all tremendous fun tho. Thoroughly helped recovery from brainsmashing bday/Chinese New Year/free house celebration dinner party on Saturday which lead to being 2 1/2 hrs late for work on monday and deathdefying driving lesson on Sunday which took me through CAMDEN for chrissake. I dont even know how to reverse yet.. I do know how to terrify swarms of pedestrians though clearly
Snuggled on sofa with G til 8am at dinner party, before attempting a whole 2 hours 'sleep' on said miniscule sofa. Should explain the general feeling of
since. G is so beautiful. If I dont let him know how much I adore him soon I deserve to die
Chris has just given me an egg and wished me Happy Easter. Am I going mad? Need to decide whether to curl up under my desk or go to the loo to sleep.
Happy New Year
Need to get useless internetness sorted at home- I promise to be a good girl from now on

Went for the sexxxiest and muchly illegally obtained sushi last night with Sinope and Phobot, Chris and Becca... AKA 2 bloody couples and ME.

Snuggled on sofa with G til 8am at dinner party, before attempting a whole 2 hours 'sleep' on said miniscule sofa. Should explain the general feeling of

Chris has just given me an egg and wished me Happy Easter. Am I going mad? Need to decide whether to curl up under my desk or go to the loo to sleep.
Happy New Year

I'll try and keep you informed. And yeah, speak to you soon
I'll get ya with a proper you pic sexay laydee!