By the time I reach full-blown mania, I am no longer euphoric. I become dysphoric, which means that my "high" is all out of whack. (that's the technical term - *ahem!) My symptoms of dysphoria usually include: irritability; impatience; impulsiveness; brutal honesty; extreme fatigue due to lack of sleep, compounded by the continuing inability to sleep; spending money that isn't there (writing bad checks or spending grocery money on unnecessary items); and the certain knowledge that I am surrounded by total idiots - they're EVERYWHERE!! I've also been told that my eyes take on a Charles Manson appearance when I'm manic.
Whoever coined the phrase, "making a mountain out of a molehill" was probably talking about someone who was manic. The manic mind is frighteningly adept at blowing small things out of proportion. If you know a bipolar who becomes very melodramatic, while also exhibiting some of the above traits, I doubt that they're looking for attention. Their brain is telling them that everything is a crisis. Being manic is being in a constant state of "fight or flight."
i hate this shit!
By the time I reach full-blown mania, I am no longer euphoric. I become dysphoric, which means that my "high" is all out of whack. (that's the technical term - *ahem!) My symptoms of dysphoria usually include: irritability; impatience; impulsiveness; brutal honesty; extreme fatigue due to lack of sleep, compounded by the continuing inability to sleep; spending money that isn't there (writing bad checks or spending grocery money on unnecessary items); and the certain knowledge that I am surrounded by total idiots - they're EVERYWHERE!! I've also been told that my eyes take on a Charles Manson appearance when I'm manic.
Whoever coined the phrase, "making a mountain out of a molehill" was probably talking about someone who was manic. The manic mind is frighteningly adept at blowing small things out of proportion. If you know a bipolar who becomes very melodramatic, while also exhibiting some of the above traits, I doubt that they're looking for attention. Their brain is telling them that everything is a crisis. Being manic is being in a constant state of "fight or flight."
i hate this shit!