Hope all the moms out there in SG land had a wonderful mother's day.
On an intresting note my husband arsehole decided to enter me in some radio station contest for the hottest mom. I came in 3rd place, 1st being some model chick which does not make it fair for regualr non model chicks like me lol oh well what can ya do. Surprised I place I guess I get a box of chocolates which I gotta go pick up yummzz!!
Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out...you're looking for Courtney Thon that would be me.
On an intresting note my husband arsehole decided to enter me in some radio station contest for the hottest mom. I came in 3rd place, 1st being some model chick which does not make it fair for regualr non model chicks like me lol oh well what can ya do. Surprised I place I guess I get a box of chocolates which I gotta go pick up yummzz!!
Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out...you're looking for Courtney Thon that would be me.

and fucking use the update fuction!!!
so what have u been doin grrrrl