Technically it is September 8th...and being I was born in New Zealand on the 9th that makes it kinda my birthday now. NEver realized that I would be in a one bedroom apartment with no solid life plans and a job I am less than thrilled with. I guess life just has to toss out a big Fuck You every now and again to let you know you haven't got a fucking clue what the hell is going on. Tonight I am going to the Cubs-Giants game in San Fran. Gave tickets to a friend for her birthday and she is all depressed since she is getting evicted (they sold her building out from under her and are renovating and reselling it. so out goes all tenants) and her boy/man ended things again. Either way, I am always the one to lean on. After that I race to my town and try to get that midnight drink at the local bar, that kinda feels like Cheers. Elise better be there, though she was all wishy washy as to her plans and told me that she will meet me wherever I am and I should call. Why the fuck should I call when she should be waiting for me...its going to be my goddamn birthday and I sure has hell wouldnt be like `ya know...i will be here or there doing something but give me a call and i'll meet you wherever you are at'. Thats my bitch for the day. Either way, Friday I am not working so I can cruise to South Lake Tahoe and hit Harrah's. Have a nice suite for the evening and VIP to the club there so its drinking and dancing all night. Hopefully this birthday doesnt hold the drama of last years, though I expect that with my luck it will manage to disappoint on some level. Guess I am just a little to pessimistic when it comes to these things....
I like big run on paragraphs...they are fun...
So...where was I... Yea...I dont really like my job. I started getting chest pains last week I was so stressed with the shit I have to do on a daily basis. I dont think thats a good thing. It passes a couple hours after I am home but within an hour or two back in the next day it returned. I am taking it easier and pushing things aside to try and reduce the stress...but it cant stay that way forever. I really need to put this on my boss but I have seen him a grand total of 35 seconds since he was hired a month or so ago. Pretty bad huh. Thats what happens when he works 2 hours from your town. I want this Casino I applied to to start reviewing resumes... I put a word in tonight with one of the floor managers so hopefully someone looks into the damn thing. I would have the same jobs, less workload and 7K more a year to boot...get me the fuck outta this job and in there!!! Its perfect for me since I dont gamble at all. Just bores me too damn much...
So...sorry Goob but I didnt bother with pictures...too damn lazy. If I ever get one of Elise I will put that in here right away thou. Never got any feedback from Carissa on what she thought of her or from anyone that may have asked her about Elise...which I would guess you woulda... -- I like the note in a journal to a member...specailly since I know she will prolly be the only one to read this damn thing and is the only one to ever post in here fault really as I am not nearly as active here as I wish I could be...
So... Its 2am and I shoulda been in bed hours ago. I am outta here... If I dont do a bitrhday fly by everyone thanks for the cheers....
TTFN.... and off to another day....
I like big run on paragraphs...they are fun...
So...where was I... Yea...I dont really like my job. I started getting chest pains last week I was so stressed with the shit I have to do on a daily basis. I dont think thats a good thing. It passes a couple hours after I am home but within an hour or two back in the next day it returned. I am taking it easier and pushing things aside to try and reduce the stress...but it cant stay that way forever. I really need to put this on my boss but I have seen him a grand total of 35 seconds since he was hired a month or so ago. Pretty bad huh. Thats what happens when he works 2 hours from your town. I want this Casino I applied to to start reviewing resumes... I put a word in tonight with one of the floor managers so hopefully someone looks into the damn thing. I would have the same jobs, less workload and 7K more a year to boot...get me the fuck outta this job and in there!!! Its perfect for me since I dont gamble at all. Just bores me too damn much...
So...sorry Goob but I didnt bother with pictures...too damn lazy. If I ever get one of Elise I will put that in here right away thou. Never got any feedback from Carissa on what she thought of her or from anyone that may have asked her about Elise...which I would guess you woulda... -- I like the note in a journal to a member...specailly since I know she will prolly be the only one to read this damn thing and is the only one to ever post in here fault really as I am not nearly as active here as I wish I could be...
So... Its 2am and I shoulda been in bed hours ago. I am outta here... If I dont do a bitrhday fly by everyone thanks for the cheers....
TTFN.... and off to another day....
Thank you!

hey baby, where you been?