14.5 hours till the face off. Get to talk to my boss about my annual review and what should be a generous `adjustment' of salary. Not a raise i say...that is in the 3-7% range. I want 30-40% but expect 15% or so. I will push to get 25% at least. I am only working for 20K less than FMV of my skills so it's still a bargain. I have to gather some data and support paperwork. Salary.com is invaluable here and the half dozen or so `thanks, He is a great asset to our company' letters from senior VP's will help. Lets just hope my boss isnt going to be as big a dick this year as last... he basically (for who knows what reason) said the only thing I do well is show up on time...asshole....
So... my sig other is now officially apart from her ex. Now I can at least relax a bit now that all our friends know that we have been `dating' recently. I guess now comes the part where you sit back and let relationships run their course...who knows where but i'll be a great journey with this one. She stopped by for lunch today and 3 co-workers were at the restaraunt. I got harassed mercilessly when I returned with inquiries as to this `hot chick' they saw me with and who was she and was she my girlfriend and all that... Kinda nice... I can get used to that really quick.
The best part of the day was my bullshitting session via IM with an old co-worker. I am trying to get him to sell his BMW M3 and it seems I hit a good target price right off the bat and he is considering it greatly. Its not new (1995) but anyone that knows the car knows it was the best year to get and it is faster than shit and handles like a dream. I will have to bone up on my manual tranny skills but that will happen quickly in a car that I couldnt pull myself out of for the first few weeks I would own it. Lets just hope his need for a more daily driver outweigh his love of his toy...
***EDIT*** Looks like my powers of pursuasion are stronger that I thought....$11,000 and it is mine... Guess I talk at a bank this weekend while he gets it cleaned up and detailed for me.... if you live within 500 miles of me...watch the rear view mirror...
I dont feel like ranting today... its too nice outside... I am too nervous about tomorrow,... excited about possibly landing this M3 and she is on her way to hang out for a while so I cant get in that snappy bitch mood that rants help me vent... so enjoy some random nothingness for a change....
So... my sig other is now officially apart from her ex. Now I can at least relax a bit now that all our friends know that we have been `dating' recently. I guess now comes the part where you sit back and let relationships run their course...who knows where but i'll be a great journey with this one. She stopped by for lunch today and 3 co-workers were at the restaraunt. I got harassed mercilessly when I returned with inquiries as to this `hot chick' they saw me with and who was she and was she my girlfriend and all that... Kinda nice... I can get used to that really quick.
The best part of the day was my bullshitting session via IM with an old co-worker. I am trying to get him to sell his BMW M3 and it seems I hit a good target price right off the bat and he is considering it greatly. Its not new (1995) but anyone that knows the car knows it was the best year to get and it is faster than shit and handles like a dream. I will have to bone up on my manual tranny skills but that will happen quickly in a car that I couldnt pull myself out of for the first few weeks I would own it. Lets just hope his need for a more daily driver outweigh his love of his toy...
***EDIT*** Looks like my powers of pursuasion are stronger that I thought....$11,000 and it is mine... Guess I talk at a bank this weekend while he gets it cleaned up and detailed for me.... if you live within 500 miles of me...watch the rear view mirror...
I dont feel like ranting today... its too nice outside... I am too nervous about tomorrow,... excited about possibly landing this M3 and she is on her way to hang out for a while so I cant get in that snappy bitch mood that rants help me vent... so enjoy some random nothingness for a change....

hahahhahaahaa Darwin fish is awesome!!!
Getting hammered is the universal cure because, naturally, it hammers the nails in life. Sometimes it hammer it too well and you must pry it out. Today, Monday morning, when I woke up I was still hungover from Saturday.