Well... I guess I am a slacker because I took over a week to get my shit in gear and update this. Lets try to make up for lost time.
I took the after-show weekend to relax mostly. Worked my ass off most of last week and did nothing of excitement. This past weekend was the fun part. I went to the 9th Annual Booneville Beer Fest. Just a 4 hour free for all with 60 breweries and anywhere from 2-6 beers on tap at each. Fill your glass as often as you can. Needless to say I had my share of fun there. Got in Friday afternoon and set up camp. Not too much going, just me and my friend Erik drinking and smoking until the it got too dark and cold to want to be outside. Its calm on the first night usually. We did have fun playing a very entertaining drinking game. We listened to NWA and drank every time they said the `n' word. Lets just say you should not play this game with beers in the 7-9% range. It gets you drunk really fast...
So... off to sleep and i get rudely awakend when there is an announcement of `holy shit Brian...there is a fucking scorpion in the tent!'. I was surprised, as they are not common to the area (Mendicino County in California) and just basically said I had no clue what to do. He gets some balls and catches what turned out to just be a 2 1/2 " cricket. Large but non-venomous luckily
Back to sleep.
I get up and go walking through the camp around 9 am. No fun to be had. Had my friends Brian, Emo and Carolyn show up to join us by 11am and started the drinking. Got through 2 22oz'ers before we left at 12:30 for the fest. My new profile pick is me with pure happiness...the second beer i tasted... a wonderful Imperial IPA by Lost Cost Brewing Company that will never be bottled or distributed anywhere. It was 11.1 percent and better than a cupcake and handjob smoothie. About 20-30 more tastings later and it was time to shut the taps. We stagger back to camp where I BBQ a well marinated london broil for dinner... it was delicious. another 5 22oz (with a detour around 9:30 to the tent to play dominos since it started to rain) and we all passed out around 1am.
Rounded out, a wonderously drunken weekend with friends...
Now... lets rant
-- Rain sucks. Not so much camping in rain, just the breaking down of a campsite in rain and then driving curvy roads in rain and then getting home with a truck load of wet gear and no yard to dry it out in... this will be an ongoing struggle
-- Hands free headset jacks on my phones jamming. This is the second time I have to return a phone because the hands free is locked and I cannot talk to anyone without a headset... really shitty...they should use american parts for a change damnit
-- Exploitation of friendships... just spent 3 hours driving a friend to and from the bank, police station, impound lot, schools, stores and everything because his license is suspended. Sometimes I give more than I really want to in a friendship even though I know it would never come back to me from the person that receives my kindness...
-- Work... I so dont want to go back tomorrow... Why is it I know I need time off but I dread taking it off because I know that nothing gets done when I am not there. I am going to be swamped tomorrow and it will suck majorly
-- Mind games... I am tired of girls that play games and seem open then blow you off then call to kiss up for blowing you off then blow you off again. Is there a magic `no we cannot be up front with our motivations or desires' rule in the woman's handbook that no one knows about. I at least let them know anything they ask upfront without bullshit surrounding it
-- Rent-a-cops... I am biased but I just see them and want to kick them in the kidneys and laugh at them as they mumble something about wishing they got that GED they always dreamed about so they could get a security job at a housing development or perhaps a storage center.... Basically they are the lowest form of `protection' in the known universe and we would be better served by not having them.
Well... I am now at a loss and my fingers ache from typing...out of practice. Enjoy your tomorrow and dont be a slave to the blue eyed devil!!
I took the after-show weekend to relax mostly. Worked my ass off most of last week and did nothing of excitement. This past weekend was the fun part. I went to the 9th Annual Booneville Beer Fest. Just a 4 hour free for all with 60 breweries and anywhere from 2-6 beers on tap at each. Fill your glass as often as you can. Needless to say I had my share of fun there. Got in Friday afternoon and set up camp. Not too much going, just me and my friend Erik drinking and smoking until the it got too dark and cold to want to be outside. Its calm on the first night usually. We did have fun playing a very entertaining drinking game. We listened to NWA and drank every time they said the `n' word. Lets just say you should not play this game with beers in the 7-9% range. It gets you drunk really fast...
So... off to sleep and i get rudely awakend when there is an announcement of `holy shit Brian...there is a fucking scorpion in the tent!'. I was surprised, as they are not common to the area (Mendicino County in California) and just basically said I had no clue what to do. He gets some balls and catches what turned out to just be a 2 1/2 " cricket. Large but non-venomous luckily

I get up and go walking through the camp around 9 am. No fun to be had. Had my friends Brian, Emo and Carolyn show up to join us by 11am and started the drinking. Got through 2 22oz'ers before we left at 12:30 for the fest. My new profile pick is me with pure happiness...the second beer i tasted... a wonderful Imperial IPA by Lost Cost Brewing Company that will never be bottled or distributed anywhere. It was 11.1 percent and better than a cupcake and handjob smoothie. About 20-30 more tastings later and it was time to shut the taps. We stagger back to camp where I BBQ a well marinated london broil for dinner... it was delicious. another 5 22oz (with a detour around 9:30 to the tent to play dominos since it started to rain) and we all passed out around 1am.
Rounded out, a wonderously drunken weekend with friends...
Now... lets rant
-- Rain sucks. Not so much camping in rain, just the breaking down of a campsite in rain and then driving curvy roads in rain and then getting home with a truck load of wet gear and no yard to dry it out in... this will be an ongoing struggle
-- Hands free headset jacks on my phones jamming. This is the second time I have to return a phone because the hands free is locked and I cannot talk to anyone without a headset... really shitty...they should use american parts for a change damnit
-- Exploitation of friendships... just spent 3 hours driving a friend to and from the bank, police station, impound lot, schools, stores and everything because his license is suspended. Sometimes I give more than I really want to in a friendship even though I know it would never come back to me from the person that receives my kindness...
-- Work... I so dont want to go back tomorrow... Why is it I know I need time off but I dread taking it off because I know that nothing gets done when I am not there. I am going to be swamped tomorrow and it will suck majorly
-- Mind games... I am tired of girls that play games and seem open then blow you off then call to kiss up for blowing you off then blow you off again. Is there a magic `no we cannot be up front with our motivations or desires' rule in the woman's handbook that no one knows about. I at least let them know anything they ask upfront without bullshit surrounding it
-- Rent-a-cops... I am biased but I just see them and want to kick them in the kidneys and laugh at them as they mumble something about wishing they got that GED they always dreamed about so they could get a security job at a housing development or perhaps a storage center.... Basically they are the lowest form of `protection' in the known universe and we would be better served by not having them.
Well... I am now at a loss and my fingers ache from typing...out of practice. Enjoy your tomorrow and dont be a slave to the blue eyed devil!!
You know I love the dorks.