For perhaps the first time in years something happened to me tonight that left me completely speachless...
I am still sitting here with this confused look on my face and complete swirls in my head...
You ever have someone do something so completely out of their character that you are so taken aback you cant find your voice for nearly 15 minutes? Well...that happened...and i still haven't uttered a word.....but i need a smoke and that is something i haven't craved this badly in months.... just when you think they ran out of things that would catch you off guard.... in comes the curve ball and your left swinging....
Perhaps I will add details some day...who knows... but damn.... this will sit in my head for quite some time....
I am still sitting here with this confused look on my face and complete swirls in my head...
You ever have someone do something so completely out of their character that you are so taken aback you cant find your voice for nearly 15 minutes? Well...that happened...and i still haven't uttered a word.....but i need a smoke and that is something i haven't craved this badly in months.... just when you think they ran out of things that would catch you off guard.... in comes the curve ball and your left swinging....
Perhaps I will add details some day...who knows... but damn.... this will sit in my head for quite some time....
did you want me to sign your penis?