Sleep never i have switched to more caffine. That works well when used with visine.
This weekend I wanted a cigarette so bad it hurt. It has been a good 10 or so weeks since my last one (after 12 years or so with a short break here or there). I guess thats why they say it's so hard to stop. Ah well, i'll just have to get on with it and keep clean...
What now.....ahh...bantering....i like banter
-- I may get razed for this one, but so be it... I am sick and tired of these damn `support our troops' ribbons. They support nothing other than a persons need to try and prove to every other person in the world they are more patriotic. I have served in the military. I have been to the middle east. We dont care about magnetic ribbons. We see no money from them. Our families dont see anything from them. You want to be supportive...try this. Take your ribbons and put them in a box. All of them. By the thousand. Steal the ones on the racks at your local K-MArt and Wal-Mart while you are at it. Now....ship them to Iraq to ANY troop out there. They can then put them all over their an inch thick. At least this will support them with more armor for thier vehicles that the government felt was an unncessary expenditure on their budget....
-- anyone else notice it takes on average 12-14 years before a military enlisted member supporting a family with 2 kids rises above the poverty level...if they make all their promotions on time...
-- 80s music....I cannot explain why but it will eternally hold a place for me... I just cant stop liking it. I saw this band `Tainted Love' in Santa Rosa, CA this week....quite the entertaining event.... may be that I was not quite sober when I decided to go, but it was fun none the less
-- Terri Shiavo.... they decided years ago there was no legal right....her family is worse than the bastards on death row constantly appealing sentences when there is no glimmer of anything pointing in their favor. Let her go....get on with your lives and someone tell Congress they will get no votes by being sympathetic to this....
-- Why do i get so political on my rants this week? No clue....i really dont pay attention to what I am typing until it is all the way out.... its more entertaining that way. Like a new book to me when I have finished all my typing....
-- I want to know why, when I sold my house over 19 months ago, the damn finance companies still hunt me down to offer me these great rates on a morthgage..... I mean....somehow they tied the false name I have held on the internet the last 10 years to my real home ownership... its pretty damn amazing really....
Well...I ramble too much...remember that next week's rambling will be completely different from this weeks....enjoy the veal....and dont forget to tip your favorite tip is `dont dance with bowlegged women'.
This weekend I wanted a cigarette so bad it hurt. It has been a good 10 or so weeks since my last one (after 12 years or so with a short break here or there). I guess thats why they say it's so hard to stop. Ah well, i'll just have to get on with it and keep clean...
What now.....ahh...bantering....i like banter

-- I may get razed for this one, but so be it... I am sick and tired of these damn `support our troops' ribbons. They support nothing other than a persons need to try and prove to every other person in the world they are more patriotic. I have served in the military. I have been to the middle east. We dont care about magnetic ribbons. We see no money from them. Our families dont see anything from them. You want to be supportive...try this. Take your ribbons and put them in a box. All of them. By the thousand. Steal the ones on the racks at your local K-MArt and Wal-Mart while you are at it. Now....ship them to Iraq to ANY troop out there. They can then put them all over their an inch thick. At least this will support them with more armor for thier vehicles that the government felt was an unncessary expenditure on their budget....
-- anyone else notice it takes on average 12-14 years before a military enlisted member supporting a family with 2 kids rises above the poverty level...if they make all their promotions on time...
-- 80s music....I cannot explain why but it will eternally hold a place for me... I just cant stop liking it. I saw this band `Tainted Love' in Santa Rosa, CA this week....quite the entertaining event.... may be that I was not quite sober when I decided to go, but it was fun none the less
-- Terri Shiavo.... they decided years ago there was no legal right....her family is worse than the bastards on death row constantly appealing sentences when there is no glimmer of anything pointing in their favor. Let her go....get on with your lives and someone tell Congress they will get no votes by being sympathetic to this....
-- Why do i get so political on my rants this week? No clue....i really dont pay attention to what I am typing until it is all the way out.... its more entertaining that way. Like a new book to me when I have finished all my typing....
-- I want to know why, when I sold my house over 19 months ago, the damn finance companies still hunt me down to offer me these great rates on a morthgage..... I mean....somehow they tied the false name I have held on the internet the last 10 years to my real home ownership... its pretty damn amazing really....
Well...I ramble too much...remember that next week's rambling will be completely different from this weeks....enjoy the veal....and dont forget to tip your favorite tip is `dont dance with bowlegged women'.