Just a tumultous couple weeks. Come back in to find that the politics of the spiritually ignorant decided to go and throw a power trip and get someone tossed from the site. What narrow minded and shallow self image must one possess to go ahead and use their tiny sphere of influence to cause harm. There was no provocation, no cause and no instigation. They just had to go and make a point, without having any grounds to stand on. Really makes you step back and evaluate their claims they are so wonderously and spiritually sound and solid when their petty jealousy or insecurities makes them lash out at others like that...why am I still here with people like that around...makes me wonder...
Hopefully the powers that be can take a step back and provide some justicification or, preferrably, justice to remedy this but i see an aristocracy inherent in this site that allows the few to arbitrarily strike out on the many without provocation. If that is the case, then i hope they turn and strike me out for no reason other than this simple statement of fact on the realities of this site.
Is it about expression, individualism and the freedom to be yourself without having to fear reciprocity, as long as you dont infringe on the same rights of the other members? Or is it a place for thsoe that had those desires quashed in the real world and joined this society online to build themselves into that position of power so they could then use that power to smite anyone that they dont particularly enjoy, agree with or like.
This is just seeming more like a clique than a community...and for those reasons its possible that i'll soon be gone... still debating that fact but when a stone is tossed it may not hit you directly. Sometimes it may just land close enough that the ripples set your boat into a diffrent course...i guess the tides will tell..
Just a tumultous couple weeks. Come back in to find that the politics of the spiritually ignorant decided to go and throw a power trip and get someone tossed from the site. What narrow minded and shallow self image must one possess to go ahead and use their tiny sphere of influence to cause harm. There was no provocation, no cause and no instigation. They just had to go and make a point, without having any grounds to stand on. Really makes you step back and evaluate their claims they are so wonderously and spiritually sound and solid when their petty jealousy or insecurities makes them lash out at others like that...why am I still here with people like that around...makes me wonder...
Hopefully the powers that be can take a step back and provide some justicification or, preferrably, justice to remedy this but i see an aristocracy inherent in this site that allows the few to arbitrarily strike out on the many without provocation. If that is the case, then i hope they turn and strike me out for no reason other than this simple statement of fact on the realities of this site.
Is it about expression, individualism and the freedom to be yourself without having to fear reciprocity, as long as you dont infringe on the same rights of the other members? Or is it a place for thsoe that had those desires quashed in the real world and joined this society online to build themselves into that position of power so they could then use that power to smite anyone that they dont particularly enjoy, agree with or like.
This is just seeming more like a clique than a community...and for those reasons its possible that i'll soon be gone... still debating that fact but when a stone is tossed it may not hit you directly. Sometimes it may just land close enough that the ripples set your boat into a diffrent course...i guess the tides will tell..
well said
She is back and better than ever.