Again I slack but here is a new little nothing...
This week is dull as hell...get to look forward to cramming smog checks and DMV visits around work so i dont get a ticket on the 1st for expired registration. If my truck doesnt give out...some unusual ignition issues pissing me off and making me spend money on parts that dont fix it...
Got the old w2 today so I get to put things together and get my returns sent in. Not a ton, but every little bit of cash is nice so i wont argue too much.
Told my boss a week or two ago i needed to talk (he works 2 hourd from me) and he dropped everything that afternoon and drove up. Productive meeting... he underestimated what i was making by 15-20K so he wants to get on the ball fixing that. This thursday will be 2 weeks since we talked...bout time i pester him for an update and projection on when i will get that raise i deserve... or i just start circulating my resume left, right and center until someone bites.
Anyhow... i need to eat something and just relax...never enough time for that. Spent my weekend making my apartment spotless for some reason...gotta love when you get that motivation... anyhow... off to something less entertaining than sleep...
Again I slack but here is a new little nothing...
This week is dull as hell...get to look forward to cramming smog checks and DMV visits around work so i dont get a ticket on the 1st for expired registration. If my truck doesnt give out...some unusual ignition issues pissing me off and making me spend money on parts that dont fix it...
Got the old w2 today so I get to put things together and get my returns sent in. Not a ton, but every little bit of cash is nice so i wont argue too much.
Told my boss a week or two ago i needed to talk (he works 2 hourd from me) and he dropped everything that afternoon and drove up. Productive meeting... he underestimated what i was making by 15-20K so he wants to get on the ball fixing that. This thursday will be 2 weeks since we talked...bout time i pester him for an update and projection on when i will get that raise i deserve... or i just start circulating my resume left, right and center until someone bites.
Anyhow... i need to eat something and just relax...never enough time for that. Spent my weekend making my apartment spotless for some reason...gotta love when you get that motivation... anyhow... off to something less entertaining than sleep...
hey check out what daniofthedead posted in her journal. Ew.
Ah, smog checks. Here in Florida smog is called "tourists."