it is... a week of a whilrwind...
Tuesday started well enough. Got up around 10 and packed all my shit for my trip to Philly. Work was paying and my family lives there so it was so happening. Once I packed I drove to Santa Cruz. NIN was playing yet again and I hit my 5th show of the year. It was a cool crowd in the Spiral line. Took a break in line to get a beer and then got back in. The only bitch I had was when the sun set, the temperature hit the low 40's FAST. It was freezing!! We got in a tad early but the venue was nearly as cold as outside. Once the show started and bodies packed in it warmed up. Trent was in great form having just returned from South America and the show was tight. Well worth the drive. Afterwards it was off for another pint then back to Oakland where I had a room near the airport.
Wednesday morning Elise dropped me off for my flight and off I went. I got into philly around 5ish and drove up to meet Goob and she, I , her sisters and her mom hit a pub and had a few drinks. From there we went to the local VFW and had another couple beers and got back to her place around 3:30am or so. I was up another hour and a half, thank you reverse jet antilag, and getting up at 7 am was a BITCH!!! Worked my ass off all day Thursday and then went to see my grandmother. That was a trial and a half. I love her to death. Say anything you will about my entire family but speak ill of her and I will seriously get in your face about it. She was talking about my grandfater who had passed, her sister who is in dire straits and some other issues. I was on `keep her from having a breakdown and crying' mode most of the night and managed to get her through with no more than a short sniffle.
Friday was fun. The snow hit the city and ended around 9am or so. I went out to clear my car and chip the sheet of ice off it. Freezing rain, not that fun. All done I said my goodbyes and drove to work. After that shitty day (till 7ish) it was off to see my favorite aunt and uncle. We ate homemade cheesesteaks and then moved on to the more serious whiskey/beer combo until 2:30am. Good talking, good company, and a great time. I slept in a bit on Saturday and then made my way to the mall for some impromtpu shopping. Needed some eagles/sixers hats (I must own 30 or 40 hats) and thats the place to go. I got Elise something nice and sparkly (she loved it) and some shoes i had needed for a while that were 50% off. I felt like such a chick, but so be it.
Next was the prep for the SGPhilly White Elephand. I was leeching onto my cousins invite and felt that a nice case of beer and a good gift was the way to go. That in hand I went to get Goob and take her there. Was a great scene. Buncha people, too many to remember, and good conversation and fun. Kyle0men and I talked till 5:30, basically because Goob and her man had driven him upstairs and then started arguing. Took all remaining parties out to breakfast as a way to thank them for their hospitality and because my boss was paying for it
. Then it was race to get my cousin home, steal a shower, and hall balls to the airport. All in all I got little sleep, drank way more than my fair share, and made some good friends (all of whom always have a place to crash if you're ever on the `left coast').
The flight was easy enough, slept a few hours. Elise greeted me with a running/flying hug. Had been some issues with us lately, 6 month point jittery i think, but that has passed. We had a great evening just relaxing and got a good night sleep for a change. Now I got tomorrow at work (today wasnt too bad) and then I am off until the following thursday. I am petitioning them for more money so the best way I see is to show them how fucked things get when I am not there. Should be fun for me!
Anyhow...I aint got time for bitching so just enjoy the long post and see you when anything interesting happens...
Tuesday started well enough. Got up around 10 and packed all my shit for my trip to Philly. Work was paying and my family lives there so it was so happening. Once I packed I drove to Santa Cruz. NIN was playing yet again and I hit my 5th show of the year. It was a cool crowd in the Spiral line. Took a break in line to get a beer and then got back in. The only bitch I had was when the sun set, the temperature hit the low 40's FAST. It was freezing!! We got in a tad early but the venue was nearly as cold as outside. Once the show started and bodies packed in it warmed up. Trent was in great form having just returned from South America and the show was tight. Well worth the drive. Afterwards it was off for another pint then back to Oakland where I had a room near the airport.
Wednesday morning Elise dropped me off for my flight and off I went. I got into philly around 5ish and drove up to meet Goob and she, I , her sisters and her mom hit a pub and had a few drinks. From there we went to the local VFW and had another couple beers and got back to her place around 3:30am or so. I was up another hour and a half, thank you reverse jet antilag, and getting up at 7 am was a BITCH!!! Worked my ass off all day Thursday and then went to see my grandmother. That was a trial and a half. I love her to death. Say anything you will about my entire family but speak ill of her and I will seriously get in your face about it. She was talking about my grandfater who had passed, her sister who is in dire straits and some other issues. I was on `keep her from having a breakdown and crying' mode most of the night and managed to get her through with no more than a short sniffle.
Friday was fun. The snow hit the city and ended around 9am or so. I went out to clear my car and chip the sheet of ice off it. Freezing rain, not that fun. All done I said my goodbyes and drove to work. After that shitty day (till 7ish) it was off to see my favorite aunt and uncle. We ate homemade cheesesteaks and then moved on to the more serious whiskey/beer combo until 2:30am. Good talking, good company, and a great time. I slept in a bit on Saturday and then made my way to the mall for some impromtpu shopping. Needed some eagles/sixers hats (I must own 30 or 40 hats) and thats the place to go. I got Elise something nice and sparkly (she loved it) and some shoes i had needed for a while that were 50% off. I felt like such a chick, but so be it.
Next was the prep for the SGPhilly White Elephand. I was leeching onto my cousins invite and felt that a nice case of beer and a good gift was the way to go. That in hand I went to get Goob and take her there. Was a great scene. Buncha people, too many to remember, and good conversation and fun. Kyle0men and I talked till 5:30, basically because Goob and her man had driven him upstairs and then started arguing. Took all remaining parties out to breakfast as a way to thank them for their hospitality and because my boss was paying for it

The flight was easy enough, slept a few hours. Elise greeted me with a running/flying hug. Had been some issues with us lately, 6 month point jittery i think, but that has passed. We had a great evening just relaxing and got a good night sleep for a change. Now I got tomorrow at work (today wasnt too bad) and then I am off until the following thursday. I am petitioning them for more money so the best way I see is to show them how fucked things get when I am not there. Should be fun for me!
Anyhow...I aint got time for bitching so just enjoy the long post and see you when anything interesting happens...
I already scrounged all the change available a couple months ago when I couldn't buy gas.
The bartender gave me eight pity-dollars tonight from his tips. Then I made a coworker tip me a dollar to give him cranberry juice after the bar was closed. That's $9 available for dollar store's finest!