Heya I haven't done a post in a while so thought I better. Well at the mo I'm waiting news on my Australian Visa. Fingers crossed, though missing my family and friends loads. Though my sister comes out in September yippee can't wait. Amber has been having swimming lesson with she hates
most of the time but I'm going to keep on trying hopefully she will learn to love the water as much as I do. Also I have just become a nutrimetics consultant and had my first spa on Thursday which went very well, though I was very nervous. If and of the Perth girls fancy a spa or make-up party let me know, I need some models to practice on and all you girls are oh so pretty. And if any of the Oz girls ever want to order anything my website is http://my.nutrimetics.com.au/fierfly and its gets sent to you. Um thinks that's about all the news I have at the moment.

just got home from being away for easter... so bit bleh atm.....
maybe in the next week or two hopefully