after 6 months of me and Robin none stop argueing we have broke up. Cas enough is enough I tell you i'm this close to having a mental break down. Then he sends me a message saying all the things he hates about me. Says im cold . I always thought I was a nice person.I'm so confused And he thinks saying all these things will make us get back togther yeah I don't think so it just gonna make me hate him. And I have to work with him and see him everyday. I swear i'm suprised I didn't burst out in tears on the tills today cas he was sat right across me. Like its not bad enough. At the mo im sat here watching tv, eating ice cream and drinking booze. Cas that will slove all my problems. :'( I don't know hat to do anymore I really love him but I can't go on this way anymore.
Happy birthday sweetie
<3 keep in there xxx