I am so moody sometimes. Well, most of the time actually. I'm sure it's from lack of meds. I've been thinking about going back on them. It's been about six years since I've taken anything for my bipolar. I just remember they made me feel so weak and I didn't like it at all. I like my fiery, argumentative self and with the meds that person was gone.
My girlfriends daughter called last night to say she found a new apartment with a new room mate. I'm so proud of her for getting out and doing it on her own. I pushed for her to get out of the house and T's family gave me a lot of shit for it. They felt like I was betraying their family or something. Even T wasn't so sure it was the right thing to do. In the beginning it was difficult watching her make bad choices but now that she seems to be getting her shit together it makes me feel like I did the right thing.
I'm still trying to get my research paper done. It's going along at a snails pace but I think I'll get it done in time. Not in time to go with my mom the Oklahoma to see my grama though. In between research I'm doing chapters of Humanities. I wish I had time to actually study. But I put it off till the last minute so I have to skim through and highlight the main points. *shrug*
I think I need to get drunk tonight. Maybe I'll buy some booze and get my girl shit faced too. She's pretty fun when she's drunk.
My girlfriends daughter called last night to say she found a new apartment with a new room mate. I'm so proud of her for getting out and doing it on her own. I pushed for her to get out of the house and T's family gave me a lot of shit for it. They felt like I was betraying their family or something. Even T wasn't so sure it was the right thing to do. In the beginning it was difficult watching her make bad choices but now that she seems to be getting her shit together it makes me feel like I did the right thing.
I'm still trying to get my research paper done. It's going along at a snails pace but I think I'll get it done in time. Not in time to go with my mom the Oklahoma to see my grama though. In between research I'm doing chapters of Humanities. I wish I had time to actually study. But I put it off till the last minute so I have to skim through and highlight the main points. *shrug*
I think I need to get drunk tonight. Maybe I'll buy some booze and get my girl shit faced too. She's pretty fun when she's drunk.