She came home and said, "I'm really tired and don't feel like going out but it's your birthday so I'll deal with it."

Yesterday was my final in my portrait photography class. I was very nervous, apparently for no reason. The teacher seemed very relaxed about the standards when it came to the final. He even had good things to say about the work of people who didn't even turn in the required prints. I got an "A." I worked my ass off for it and I deserved it. I am kind of sad that I wont have access to a darkroom until fall though.
Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes.
Bought myself about $200 worth of birthday presents so far....still shopping! I could spend thousands on photo stuff and not have enough.
and the forehead idea for my bro in law wouldnt be a bad idea, he is getting a bull because he is a tarus and he is extremely bull headed so it would fit lol