Relay for Life was one of those experiences that can not be described. So many things happened in those 24 hours, I would need way too much journal space to talk about them all. Not to mention boring you all to death. So I'll give you the short version.
Being a vegetarian, lesbian feminist is sometimes difficult. Especially when you are the only one in a group of Christian, meat loving people who think homosexuality is the in the same boat as molesting kids and murder.
People of all backgrounds can come together in the name of something good.
I wish I had gotten the chance to meet T's mother. When everyone is sitting around sharing stories about what a great person she was and how much they miss her I feel like I have missed out. Cancer took her way too soon.
I love my girl and am so proud that I have a partner who cares so much about others. It feels good to be proud of the person I am sharing my life with. She is amazing and I love her.
Saturday afternoon. This is T and her daughter Brittany.
Some of our team members on the track Saturday night.
This is T on the track Saturday night just after the lighting of the luminary. The one in front of her that says "Julie McPike" honors her mother who died in 2000.
This is T and I on Sunday morning. Don't I look great!?
Being a vegetarian, lesbian feminist is sometimes difficult. Especially when you are the only one in a group of Christian, meat loving people who think homosexuality is the in the same boat as molesting kids and murder.
People of all backgrounds can come together in the name of something good.
I wish I had gotten the chance to meet T's mother. When everyone is sitting around sharing stories about what a great person she was and how much they miss her I feel like I have missed out. Cancer took her way too soon.
I love my girl and am so proud that I have a partner who cares so much about others. It feels good to be proud of the person I am sharing my life with. She is amazing and I love her.
Saturday afternoon. This is T and her daughter Brittany.
Some of our team members on the track Saturday night.
This is T on the track Saturday night just after the lighting of the luminary. The one in front of her that says "Julie McPike" honors her mother who died in 2000.
This is T and I on Sunday morning. Don't I look great!?
Yeah...I just think thats the direction I want to go in. When I saw the schools website i knew thats where I wanted to be. I'm nervous...its been a loooonnnggg time since I went to school. I think I may be a bit rusty.