Margartet Cho was fantastic as was San Luis pride. And we are officialy broke ass broke. I'm going to make a sign and stand on the street corner. "Will work for film."
god the lexington was sooo good..well compared to the dyke bars we have in england.
i broke my ass during a ju-jitsu lesson, my friend did i basic hip throw on me but he kept hold of my arms so i landed without bein able to brake my fall ass first into the mat *crunch* i got a month off school and all i did was sit on a mountain of cusions and watch films all day
i broke my ass during a ju-jitsu lesson, my friend did i basic hip throw on me but he kept hold of my arms so i landed without bein able to brake my fall ass first into the mat *crunch*
P.S. Margaret Cho is a funny motherfucker.