The Pen Pals group rocks my socks.
In other news:
I came out to a co-worker today. I've been sort of dodging questions about my personal life at the new job. During my interview I learned that the studio is affiliated with a church in some round about way so I decided to keep things on the d/l. It was funny though, she's gay too and we talked all afternoon about her and the issues she's been having with her "straight" girlfriend.
Still no baby. I've been telling Britt that she's selfish and she need to give up the baby. T took her walking for a couple of hours but the baby just doesn't want to budge.
Wish me luck on the bullshit job I'm going to have to pull off for my Lit class. I have put off all of my essays till the last second and nw I've got too much to do. I'll never get it done in time. My 4.0 is fucked for sure.
eep, good luck with school & work!